welcome. i document my quest of learning to live well. if vlogs and homebody diaries are your thing, then i think you’ll like this blog too. i delight in the mundane, slowly reclaim my sense of self, my space and my style, i read books, play with cats, tend to plants, cook simple meals, play adventure and retro games, document everything, and take walks. sometimes i’m loud, mostly i’m quiet. this blog, and the life behind it, is my quiet radical rebellion against the incessant oppression of our norms, mores, and systems.
i strive to find balance between running away into the woods and living like a lowkey monk sorta highkey hedge witch – and fully giving way to my narcissistic tendencies and building an opulent cult around my persona to indulge in a life of total luxury. at this point in life i think the hedge witch is a bit closer to my aspirations, though.
i am a debtor and spender in recovery. over the past 8 years or so i racked up a lot of debt, a combination of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD and BD2, and stupid life decisions having the leading roles in that drama. i don’t write about my finances too much here, apart from general rambles on underconsumption and a monthly ’roundup of thrift’.
i keep cats – or they keep me – and i really enjoy reading. i also take a lot of photos, some reasonably good, but even though my camera and i have been inseparable since the day i turned 18 – that’s when i got my first digicam, Panasonic Lumix DMC-LC5 – i still hesitate to call myself a photographer. i’m more of a documenter. a chronicler. i keep notebooks, and i blog, and i take a tonne of pictures, and i film a lot of videos. that’s what i just do.
speaking of notebooks, i am what you can call an ‘avid journaller’. sometimes i keep 15 different notebooks for 15 different purposes, other times i consolidate it all into one Big Book of Everything. although sometimes it is a creative outlet, mostly it is a coping mechanism.
i hope you enjoy your stay here. if you liked my writing here on the blog, perhaps take a look at my other outlets as well? they’re all listed further down below. for what it’s worth, i hope something i put out into the vastness of the internet brings you some comfort. the world can be a real bastard. hang in there.
If you’d like to get a newsletter from me right into your inbox, please subscribe. That would mean the world to me. I am currently working on a witchy moon guide which I will send out to you as soon as it’s ready.
Where else to find me
if you enjoy my blog, perhaps i can persuade you checking out my other endeavours, so to say?
- substack – like this blog, but witch content only
- witchstagram – witchy insta
- bookstagram – books and journals
- tumblr – mostly reblogs, with an occasional diary entry
- instagram – my ‘main’ account
- tiktok – experimental ground for shortform content
- ko-fi – tips are greatly appreciated. also a place where you can book a tarot reading 🖤
- youtube – vlogs, an occasional talking head
- vod youtube – where i save my twitch streams
- twitch – i go live and play cosy games, do puzzles, journalling, crocheting
- patreon – (almost) daily diary entries, photography, journal spreads
- pinterest – pictures i like and would like to keep
- telegram – it’s like i’m writing you random messages at 3 am
- book telegram (ru) – this is sort of a mirror of my booksta, but in telegram, and in russian